Wednesday, July 9, 2008

6 long yrs passed, i just can't understand why my memories for u is still huanting me. Somehow, somewhere somewhat, it's just like the ghost of u and me. I hate this feeling, it's so torturing!
What can i do to forget and feel nth when u pop out into my mind? My friends say Let time heal, time will tell and if u r meant to b mine, u will come back. All i noe is i got no more feelings for u alr, wat i have now is memories of u and me. I dun need u to come back to me as well, cos in the 1st place we were nv meant to b, we belong to 2 different world.
I hope u r doing well in ur life and of cos i do hope ur girlfriends will treasure u as much as i did when we were together. Take care, J****

1 comment:

Buzz and Mulan said...

hmmmm... who are you talking about here, I wonder...