Sunday, February 24, 2008

Woke up early all thanks to mum. Slept late last nite and thought i could wake a little later but...

Hohoho!!! Went out just now to make new specs, hope it's gonna turn out fine for me. Den was drag to e gym and stadium by both my sis. T_T It was like years since i last stepped into gym and this gym i went just now is like =.=" Only 3 threadmills and some silly machines. Oh my, i still prefer CFC. They have e classes i like and workout stations i like. Stay abt an hour in there running threadmill and other stations and now Bodyaching alr!

Hoped i can carry on going to e gym every week den i will b able to slim down le... Hur hur hur~

Saw e Chingay moving pass when i was @ e stadium. They r niceeeee.. Haha.. I took a pic of 1 of it... Hee

Think i gtg alr.. Tired and dun feel like thinking and typing~ =X

1 comment:

Buzz and Mulan said...

hope life has been fulfilling for you at your new job! Probably i'll drop by one of these days to 've lunch with you. It seems that I never have the chance to cya at Bukit Panjang at all. Anyway.. Now you can go gym every weekend, since it's a 5-day week for you.. isn't that wonderful? Hee.