Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jay Chou Concert 2008

I noe this pic is rather big but just wanna share it with all u guys. Jay was playing 1 of his Encore song on the "Gu Zheng".
I attended his concert on 18 Jan and it was his 29th birthday! The Concert was GREAT! Whahaha!!!! I wonder how many times in our life that we can attend someone's concert together with their birthday. We sang him birthday song. =)
Perhaps it was 2 yrs plus apart from his previous concert and thus everybody got so "high" e moment lights got dimmer. Everyone was so "high" till e end of e concert and there was 2 Encores. Fans encored e 3rd time but fail. Thru out e concert, u can hear voices of e fans singing together with him. I dunno how to explain, u have to b there to experience it.
I wished i could attend e one on 19 Jan as well but cant get e tickets. T_T

Watch & enjoy this Vid but beware of screams from a crazy fan who sat near me. Lol! Sry abt e shakings cos i was waving e light stick on my other hand. =X

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